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McLaughlin: Is the Pac-12 Moving Fast Enough to Survive?

Spencer examines what might play out in the near future as the league struggles to stay afloat

Posted on July 28, 2023

  By Spencer McLaughlin of Locked on CFB for SuperWest Sports

Pac-12Colorado got impatient and has now left the Pac with just nine remaining schools amidst rumors that more of them are interested in going elsewhere.

If the Pac is going to hang on, actions need to materialize very soon.

On today’s episode of Locked On Pac-12, I examine what might play out in the near future as the league struggles to stay afloat.

The conference offered another statement which drew a reaction that was, frankly, ridiculous.

The statement changes nothing about reality for the conference now or going forward. Realignment once again has the entire college football world in an absolute craze.

I explain why, despite the fascinating nature of all these moving parts, it’s really quite sad what is happening to our beloved sport.

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