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NFL Players from South Division H.S. (Milwaukee, WI)

All players produced by this school
Here’s an up-to-date list of all NFL Players from South Division High School in Milwaukee, WI.

The list includes only those players who have played in an NFL game.

See where it ranks among other schools in the state here.

NFL Players from South Division HS
Player Pos Teams From To
Derrick Harden WR GNB 1987 1987
Johnny Strzykalski HB SFO 1946 1952
Leroy Schoemann C GNB 1938 1938
Clem Neacy E-T MIL,CHI,DUL,CRD 1924 1928
Shorty Barr B RAC,MIL 1923 1926
Hank Gillo B HAM,RAC,MIL 1920 1926
Stone Hallquist BB-HB-TB MIL 1926 1926
Daroll DeLaPorte BB MIL 1925 1925
Barney Traynor C MIL 1925 1925
Johnny Milton E-B STL,MIL,KAN 1923 1924