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NFL Players from Northern H.S. (Flint, MI)

Here’s an up-to-date list of all NFL Players from Northern High School in Flint, MI. The school was closed in 2014.

The list includes only those players who have played in an NFL game.

See where it ranks among other schools in the state here.

NFL Players from Northern HS
Player Pos Teams From To
Thomas Rawls RB SEA,CIN 2015 2018
Chris Wilson DE WAS 2007 2012
Brent Williams DE NWE,SEA,NYJ 1986 1996
Eugene Marve LB BUF,TAM,SDG 1982 1992
Mike Miller WR NYG,NOR 1983 1985
Leo Sugar DE CRD,STL,PHI,DET 1954 1962
Leon Burton HB NYT 1960 1960
Leroy Bolden HB CLE 1958 1959