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NFL Players from Lorain HS (Lorain, OH)

> All players produced by this school

  By SuperWest Sports Staff

January 18, 2025

Here’s an up-to-date list of all NFL Players from Lorain High School in Lorain, OH.

The list includes only those players who have played in an NFL game.

See where it ranks among other schools in the state here.

NFL Players from Lorain HS
Player Pos Teams From To
Vince Villanucci NT GNB 1987 1987
Kurt Schumacher G-T NOR,TAM 1975 1978
Dave Sparks G-T SFO,WAS 1951 1954
Joe Bartos DB-HB WAS 1950 1950
Albie Reisz TB-HB-QB RAM,BUF 1944 1947
Bill Rieth G-C RAM 1941 1945
Jim Worden HB RAM 1945 1945
Sam Busich E BOS,RAM,DET 1936 1943
Stan Pincura BB RAM 1937 1938
Andy Nemecek C-G-T COL 1923 1925