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NFL Players from Knoxville H.S. (Knoxville, TN)

Here’s an up-to-date list of all NFL Players from former Knoxville High School in Knoxville, TN. The school was closed in 1951. The building is now on the National Register of Historic Places.

The list includes only those players who have played in an NFL game.

See where it ranks among other schools in the state here.

NFL Players from Knoxville HS
Player Pos Teams From To
Buster Ramsey G-LB CRD 1946 1951
Johnny Butler HB-TB PHI,BKN,CRD 1943 1945
Pug Vaughan TB DET,CRD 1935 1936
Howard Bailey T PHI 1935 1935
Tal Maples C CIN 1934 1934
Harry Thayer T-G PRT 1933 1933