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NFL Players from Cordova HS (Rancho Cordova, CA)

Here’s an up-to-date list of all NFL Players from Cordova High School in Rancho Cordova, California.

The list includes only those players who have played in an NFL game.

See where it ranks among other schools in the state here.

NFL Players from Cordova HS
Player Pos Teams From To
Seneca Wallace QB SEA,CLE,GNB 2005 2013
Coye Francies DB CLE,OAK 2009 2012
Marcus McCauley DB MIN,DET 2007 2009
Brett Faryniarz LB RAM,SFO,HOU,CAR 1988 1995
Troy Taylor QB NYJ 1990 1991
Gerald Willhite RB DEN 1982 1988
Kevin Willhite RB GNB 1987 1987
Jeff Allen DB MIA,SDG 1980 1982
Bob Rozier DE STL 1979 1979
Tom Williams DT-DE SDG 1970 1971