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NFL Players from A.L. Brown H.S. (Kannapolis, NC)

Here’s an up-to-date list of all NFL Players from A.L. Brown High School in Kannapolis, NC.

The list includes only those players who have played in an NFL game.

See where it ranks among other schools in the state here.

NFL Players from A.L. Brown HS
Player Pos Teams From To
Brandon Parker OT OAK,LVR 2018 2023
Aundrae Allison WR MIN 2007 2008
Nick Maddox RB CLE 2003 2003
Mike Morton LB OAK,STL,GNB,IND 1995 2001
Tracy Johnson RB HOU,ATL,SEA,TAM 1989 1996
Lance Smith G-T STL,PHO,NYG 1985 1996
Ethan Horton TE-RB KAN,RAI,WAS 1985 1994
Haskel Stanback RB ATL 1974 1979