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McLaughlin: What WCC Hoops Move Means for OSU & WSU

> Spencer reacts to the Olympic sports realignment revelation for the Beavers and Cougars

  By Spencer McLaughlin of Locked on CFB for SuperWest Sports

December 21, 2023


Oregon State and Washington State will await a vote on Thursday to be admitted to the West Coast Conference for basketball and other Olympic sports.

That would indicate that those schools are never going to join the Mountain West as full members.

On today’s episode of Locked On Pac-12, I react to the latest revelation for the Beavs and Cougs.

This latest move keeps the possibility of a rebuilt Pac-12 football conference coming to fruition one day.

National signing day featured plenty of activity this season for current Pac-12 schools.

Colorado is showing once again that they are testing the limits of building a team primarily through the portal.

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