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McLaughlin: Pac’s Days as Power Conference About to End?

> From Jennifer Cohen to AP All-America teams, Spencer reacts to the latest conference news

  By Spencer McLaughlin of Locked on CFB for SuperWest Sports

August 22, 2023


We are still waiting to see if Stanford and Cal will find their way into another league such as the ACC.

But even if they stay to rebuild the Pac, the league’s days as a “power conference” are likely over.

On today’s episode of Locked On Pac-12, Spencer McLaughlin also reacts to the latest news from around the conference.

The National College Football AP All-American teams were released, with a solid assortment of Pac-12 players across the 1st and 2nd teams. There’s one noticeable characteristic about all of them.

Washington football pac-12Jennifer Cohen has been the Washington Athletic Director since 2016 and is now set to take the same position at USC.

Plus, the return of college football this week is showcasing an all-too-fitting tale about the Pac-12.

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